In a decision dated January 31, 2023, the NANB Fitness to Practice (Review) Committee accepted the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) submitted by Alysha Marie Jalbert, registration number 029418. As a result of the admissions made in the ACRP, the Committee found that Ms. Jalbert’s actions (which included overriding the automatic medication dispenser to dispense morphine for a patient who did not have a medical order for such medication and failing to document the administration of said medication, administering morphine to a patient without documenting its administration, failing to document the administration of morphine in the patient’s chart, and discarding narcotics without having the discard witnessed) constituted incompetence and that Ms. Jalbert was unfit and unsafe to practice nursing at the time due to her medical conditions. The Committee accepted evidence that Ms. Jalbert is now fit to practice, and ordered that the suspension imposed on Ms. Jalbert’s registration by the Complaints Committee in a decision dated February 9, 2018, be lifted and conditions be imposed on Ms. Jalbert’s registration.
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