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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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Nursing Approval Programs

Education & Support

The Nurses Act gives the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) the legislated responsibility to set nursing education program standards and to approve nursing education programs in the province.

The Standards for Nursing Education and Program Review Guide support the development and maintenance of high quality nursing education in the interest of the public. Their ultimate purpose is to provide guidance to nursing education programs in preparing nursing students to function safely, competently, and ethically within the present and future health care systems.

The NANB reviews and provides an approval status to all New Brunswick nursing education programs leading to initial entry to practice as a registered nurse or a nurse practitioner. The nursing education programs listed below have all been reviewed by NANB.

The NANB uses the Entry-Level Competencies for the Practice of Registered Nurses in New Brunswick (2019) and the Entry-Level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners (2024) to define the competencies of an entry-level registered nurse/nurse practitioner in order to be safe, competent, and ethical nurse in a variety of practice settings. The entry-level competencies also serve as a guide for curriculum development and for public and employer awareness of the practice expectations of entry-level registered nurses.

Nursing Education Programs

Nursing Education Programs

Approval Status

Université de Moncton

Baccalauréat en science infirmière


Programme d’infirmière praticienne


Programme de passerelle


University of New Brunswick

Bachelor of Nursing (Regular track)


Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Standing program)


Bachelor of Nursing (Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing Bridging program)


Nurse Practitioner Program


New Brunswick Community College (NBCC)

Canadian Re-entry/ Internationally Educated Bridging (CRIB) Program

Preliminary approval

Oulton College

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Preliminary approval

Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB)

Transition et réadmission en sciences infirmières (TRSI) Program

Preliminary approval

Beal University Canada

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Preliminary approval