The Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) is seeking proposals from communications/marketing firms to assist with a bilingual organizational re-brand that will align with a new organization name and mandate through a new Nursing Act.
Organizational Background Information
NANB is the regulatory body for all registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) in New Brunswick. The purpose of regulation is to protect the public by ensuring RNs and NPs practise in a safe, competent, and ethical manner.
In operation since 1916, the NANB was incorporated under “An act Respecting the Nurses Association of New Brunswick” in the Province of New Brunswick on June 20, 1984.
The Board of Directors of NANB is the governing body for the organization. Board directors are collectively responsible for strategic direction, risk management, and monitoring of NANB operations to ensure that work is achieved to meet strategic objectives. The twelve-member Board of Directors is comprised of a President, President-Elect, seven Region Directors and three Public Directors.
NANB’s Leadership Team consists of six personnel: the Interim Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, the Director of Policy, Risk and Compliance, the Acting Director of Nursing Practice and Education, the Acting Director of Registration and Deputy Registrar, the Director of Complaints and General Counsel, and the Director of Operations.
NANB employs nearly 30 full- and part-time staff. The Association’s organization is divided into departments, each headed by one of the above-mentioned directors.
Organizational Objective
To clearly communicate who we are and why we exist, and to gaining an understanding and appreciation by both the public and our registrants.
National Trends
As one of the last remaining dual mandate Association’s in Canada, most other Canadian jurisdictions have separated nursing regulators (colleges) and nursing associations (advocacy).
The NANB sees this shift as inevitable, recognizing this dual mandate contributes significantly to the lack of understanding by both registrants and public, of our role supporting the nursing profession in the interest of the public.
Services required
The project itself would consist of but is not limited to:
Inform the organizational re-brand to strengthen engagement and understanding of our mandate. Including:
- rebranding strategy,
- logo redesign with marketing collateral update inclusive of signage,
- letterhead,
- brand book and guidelines,
- marketing materials,
- communications audit with potential introduction of new technologies that are not currently being optimized but could expand our reach publicly.
Proposal Submission
Interested firms are invited to submit their proposals by February 14, 2025.
The proposal should include the following:
- Name and address of the firm.
- Number of years in the industry.
- Relevant work portfolio.
- Project deliverables.
- Recommended tactics with sustainability and evaluation plan.
- Anticipated timeline.
- Proposed budget.
- Up to three relevant clients. References may be contacted for the top proponent.
Proposals will be reviewed by the CEO and NANB’s Operations Department. A presentation may be requested.
Evaluation Criteria
The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrated expertise and experience in marketing/re-branding (30%)
- Quality of project deliverables. (20%)
- Relevant clients and work portfolio. (20%)
- Competitive and reasonable pricing. (30%)
- RFP Issuance: January 23, 2025
- Proposal Submission Deadline: February 14, 2025
- Evaluation Period: March 3 – 14, 2025
- Consultant Selection and Notification: March 17 – 31, 2025
- Commencement of Services: The NANB would like to begin this project in early 2025 with completion expected to align when the new legislation, Nursing Act receives Royal Assent. (Fall 2025/Winter 2026)
Contact Information
For questions and submission of proposals, please contact:
Jean-René Noël
Director of Operations
Nurses Association of New Brunswick
165 Regent Street
Fredericton, NB
E3B 7B4
Indicate reference number NANB-RFP-2025-01 in all correspondence or when submitting a proposal.
Jean-René Noël
Director of Operations
Nurses Association of New Brunswick