The purpose of this exam is to determine whether the entry-level NP (herein candidate) has attained the competencies necessary for safe and effective practice as a primary healthcare NP in New Brunswick. The approved exam vendor for this multiple-choice exam is Meazure Learning/Yardstick Assessment Strategies.
The CNPE: F/AA is a four-hour exam completed through an online proctored platform held in October and May of each year. Candidates may take the exam at home or request a testing site in Moncton, Saint John, or Fredericton through Meazure Learning/Yardstick Assessment Strategies. The next session of the CNPE is October 9, 2024. Candidates must apply to write the CNPE, and meet all requirements before August 28, 2024 to be eligible for the October 9, 2024 session of the exam.
The exam Blueprint is available on the CCRNR website This document describes how the exam was developed, and provides guidance on how the Entry Level Competencies (ELCs) are expressed within the exam to ensure accurate assessment of a candidate’s readiness to practice safely, competently, and ethically. The technical specifications used to guide the exam development found within the blueprint may also serve as an aid for candidates preparing to take the exam. Candidates are also strongly encouraged to review the Candidate Examination Handbook for information related to the exam process. Additionally, an online CPNE: F/AA Prep Tool is offered by Meazure Learning/Yardstick Assessment Strategies.