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NANB Registration Data

Data for the current practice year

(December 1, 2023- November 30, 2024)

As of August 31, 2024
Newly Registered Graduates of New Brunswick Programs 258
Newly Registered Graduates from Programs in Other Canadian Jurisdictions 242
Newly Registered Nurses from Other Canadian Jurisdictions 955
Newly Registered Internationally Educated Nurses 49
Total Active Practice RNs 10,326
Total Active Practice NPs 454


Data for the previous practice year

(As of November 30, 2023 )

Disclosure on Statistics Reliability

Please note that while the registration statistics presented on our website (particularly those related to the employment of our registrants) are audited and compiled using industry best practices, we cannot guarantee their absolute reliability. The data is self-reported by our organization’s registrants, which may impact its accuracy or completeness. We encourage users to consider these factors when interpreting the information.

1- Total Membership includes Active Practice RNs and NPs, Non-practicing members, and Life Members
2- In 2023, 207 NPs resided in NB
3 -Other provinces includes RNs (1001) and NPs (153) working as travel nurses providing services to NB (538), travel nurses providing service outside of NB (309), NPs and RNs providing virtual care, and IENs migrating to NB
4- 79 from Quebec

5-The “other” category includes one each from the following countries: Chile, Egypt, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Poland, Romania, South Africa
6-Totals may not sum to 100% due to rounding
7-Other includes industry, educational institutions, self-employed, association, government, correctional facilities, addiction centres, armed forces
8-Community includes Public Health Service, Home Care Agencies, Physicians Offices, Health Services Centres, Mental Health Clinics and Community Health Centres
9-Totals may not sum to 100% due to rounding
10-Includes temporary, leave of absence, and unknown
11-Includes part-time by choice and part-time seeking full-time

Historical Data

For registration statistics from previous registration years, please consult NANB’s Annual Reports.


Further Data Requests

If you wish to obtain data that is not publicly available on our website or within our public directory, please complete a Data Request Form and send it to  Please note that we reserve the right to deny any request for data that falls outside the scope of our mandate, which is to protect the public interest by regulating the nursing professions by setting criteria for admission to the profession, setting standards for safe, competent, and ethical practice, and intervening when nurses fail to meet standards. Requests that are deemed too burdensome or that would divert our resources away from our core responsibilities may also be declined.