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Nursing Education

Registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) are self-regulated health-care professionals who work autonomously and in collaboration with others to enable individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations to achieve their optimal levels of health. At all stages of life, in situations of health, illness, injury and disability, they deliver direct health-care services, coordinate care and support clients in managing their own health. They contribute to the health-care system through their leadership across a wide range of settings in practice, education, administration, research and policy.

Nurses with positions outside of direct client-centred care support those who provide it while bringing leadership to the health system, collaborative practice, health care planning, and patient safety and promoting system-wide efficiency and effectiveness.

Registered Nurses

RNs are prepared for safe, ethical, and competent practice at the entry level when they graduate from an approved nursing education program. In New Brunswick (NB) the baccalaureate degree in nursing is the level of education required for entry to the profession. Practicing RNs can choose to pursue additional education at the master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral levels.

Education programs in NB strive to ensure that nursing students achieve the Entry-Level Competencies (ELCs) for the Practice of Registered Nurses in New Brunswick -Effective September 1, 2020. To provide information to potential nursing students, guidance counsellors, admission officers, nursing faculty, disability service providers and the public about the skills and abilities required of nursing students to meet these competencies and successfully progress through a nursing education program NANB has developed a document titled Becoming a Registered Nurse in New Brunswick: Requisite Skills and Abilities.

Nurse Practitioners

In New Brunswick, a NP is a registered nurse who has completed a nurse practitioner program and has advanced knowledge and clinical expertise. NPs in New Brunswick are educated to be Primary Heath Care NPs, and work in a variety of settings including but not limited to community health centres, NP-led clinics, private practices, collaborative practices, emergency rooms, correctional facilities, nursing homes, and schools.

NP education programs in NB prepare students to work with clients across the lifespan in accordance with the Entry-level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners (Entry-Level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners -Effective January 1st, 2024)

Transition-to-Practice Toolkit

A toolkit of extensive resources that will help you become successfully registered and help you understand the role of a regulatory body.

Standards for Nursing Education

The Nurses Act gives the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) the legislated responsibility to set nursing education program standards and to approve nursing education programs in the province. The Standards for Nursing Education and Program Review Guide support the development and maintenance of high quality nursing education in the interest of the public. Their ultimate purpose is to provide guidance to nursing education programs in preparing nursing students to function safely, competently, and ethically within the present and future health care systems.

The NANB reviews and provides an approval status to all New Brunswick nursing education programs leading to initial entry to practice as a registered nurse or a nurse practitioner. The nursing education programs listed below have all been reviewed by NANB.

The NANB uses the Entry-Level Competencies for the Practice of Registered Nurses in New Brunswick (2019) and the Entry-Level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners (2016)(Entry-Level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners -Effective January 1st, 2024) to define the competencies of an entry-level registered nurse/nurse practitioner in order to be safe, competent, and ethical nurse in a variety of practice settings. The entry-level competencies also serve as a guide for curriculum development and for public and employer awareness of the practice expectations of entry-level registered nurses.

 Nursing Education Programs

Educational Institution Nursing Education Programs Approval Status
Université de Moncton Baccalauréat en science infirmière

Programme d’infirmière praticienne

Programme de passerelle




University of New Brunswick Bachelor of Nursing (Regular track)

Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Standing program)

Bachelor of Nursing (Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing Bridging program)

Nurse Practitioner Program






New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) Canadian Re-entry/ Internationally Educated Bridging (CRIB) Program Preliminary approval
Oulton College Bachelor of Science in Nursing Preliminary approval
Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB) Transition et réadmission en sciences infirmières (TRSI) Program Preliminary approval
Beal University Canada Bachelor of Science in Nursing Preliminary approval

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Assistance

New Brunswick universities offer bursaries to undergraduate students. For information regarding bursaries from a particular university, please contact that university directly. Nursing students can also qualify for financial assistance through web-based bursaries. Listed below are a few Web sites that should help you get started in your search for financial assistance:

Nurses Association of New Brunswick Scholarship

Offered both through the University of New Brunswick and the Université de Moncton, this scholarship is open to master’s level nursing studies. Visit the student services section of the website at your university to find out more information:

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarships

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex offers two annual scholarships in the amount of $2,500.00 each, to be awarded through the University of New Brunswick and the Université de Moncton. These bursaries are offered as support for master’s education programs in New Brunswick. The bursaries are open to full or part time students, and are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and participation in activities that benefit the nursing profession. Contact your university for more information about the scholarship.

Canadian Nurses Foundation

The New Brunswick Nurses Foundation (NBNF) was established in 1988 by the NANB to raise funds to support nursing education. In 1996, these funds were transferred to the Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF) and, in keeping with the wishes of the NBNF, an award was created for New Brunswick nurses who are pursuing studies at the master’s level and who demonstrate their ability to become future valuable contributors to the nursing profession in Canada. In 2008, to celebrate the Centennial of the Canadian Nurses Association, NANB established a second scholarship to be awarded to an NANB member pursuing Masters education and residing in New Brunswick.

NANB celebrated 100 years of nursing regulation in 2016. To commemorate this celebration a third scholarship was established to support PhD studies for NANB members. This award, the NANB Centennial PhD Scholarship was matched by the Government of New Brunswick with the establishment of a second PhD scholarship, the New Brunswick PhD Nursing Scholarship. There are now four awards available to NANB members from the CNF.

Visit the CNF website for more information:

President’s Award

The President’s Award offers special recognition to an outstanding nursing graduate at each of the campuses of the University of New Brunswick and Université de Moncton.