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UNB Nursing Future of Nursing Education & Practice Lecture Series

UNB Nursing Future of Nursing Education & Practice Lecture Series

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As a part of our ongoing Faculty of Nursing Future of Nursing Education & Practice Lecture Series, we are so please to have Dr. Richard Booth PhD RN presenting the following talk on November 25 from 1200-1315 ADT via Microsoft Teams:

Microsoft Teams:

Confronting the Realities of a Technosocial World: Nursing and its Evolving Intersection with Technology

Dr. Booth is an Associate Professor and Research Chair in Digitally-Enabled Healthcare at the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University and an Adjunct Scientist with the Primary Care & Health Systems Research group at ICES. As a clinician researcher with an active research program exploring psychiatric-mental health nursing and health informatics, he is interested in the convergence of data, technology, and people as related to practice and nursing education. He has a particular interest in the use of emergent technologies in healthcare and their resulting intended and unintended consequences on practice and society at large. To date, he has led numerous data-related projects, including the assessment of digital health innovations for teaching/learning, human-technology interaction research, and the use of data for population health surveillance. He currently supervises numerous graduate students at both the master’s and doctoral levels and has delivered numerous presentations and keynote addresses to national and international audiences over the last decade.