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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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Complaints & Discipline

Donna Collins

Registration # 023716
Decision Date November 22, 2017

NANB Statement Regarding the Registration Status of Donna Collins

NANB frequently receives inquiries regarding the registration status of Donna Collins. Donna Collins was actively registered with NANB as a Registered Nurse from 2000–2012 and as a Nurse Practitioner from 2012–2013. Her registration with NANB expired on December 31, 2013, after which she was no longer authorized to practice nursing or use the titles Registered Nurse (RN) or Nurse Practitioner (NP).

Following a disciplinary hearing on November 22, 2017, Ms. Collins was reprimanded by the Discipline Committee and issued a fine for improper use of actual and fictitious nursing designations such as RN, NP, “RN+” and “DNP”, while not being a registered member of NANB.  Donna Collins has not been registered with NANB since December 31, 2013. She is not authorized to practice nursing in New Brunswick, to hold herself out as a person authorized to practice nursing, or to use such designations.

Discipline Committee Decision Summary