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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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How to File a Complaint

Complaints & Decisions

If you have a concern regarding a nurse’s practice and wish to file a complaint with NANB, you must provide your complaint in writing.

icon: alert information

NANB cannot accept complaints by telephone and cannot accept anonymous complaints.

Please provide a full description of the conduct/incident(s)/issue(s), including:

  • the name of the nurse(s) involved,
  • what he/she/they did or failed to do,
  • when and where it happened, and
  • any other relevant circumstances in enough detail that the complaint can be clearly understood by the Committee that will consider it and by the nurse(s) who will respond to it.

Be sure to include your full name and contact information, including:

  • your full mailing address,
  • email address, and
  • telephone number.

You may submit copies of any documents you feel are important in order to clearly explain or support your complaint. Please note that NANB staff cannot help you write your complaint or provide advice aside from explaining the complaints process.

Your complaint must be dated and signed by hand or electronically (a typed signature at the bottom of your written complaint is acceptable) and submitted to NANB either by mail, email, or fax:

165 Regent Street
Fredericton, NB  E3B 7B4
Fax: +1-506-459-2838)

Upon receipt of your complaint, NANB will send an acknowledgment letter to you.

The nurse(s) involved will be provided with a copy of your complaint and will be informed of who made the complaint. The nurse(s) will be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint, and a copy of any response received (except for personal health information, if applicable, as discussed under Third Party Complaints) will be sent to you.