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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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Apply to the Register

For New NB-Educated Graduates

This section is for new graduates you must have graduated from a recognized Canadian nursing education within the last three years, and have never been registered as an RN in Canada.

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Graduates of schools of nursing from Quebec and applicants of OIIQ are not eligible to write the NCLEX exam. You must first exhaust your attempts of the OIIQ exam. Please do not apply to NANB to write the NCLEX-RN if you are eligible for the OIIQ exam.

Step 1: NANB Profile

Create your NANB profile online and follow the steps. This requires proof of your legal name—please submit valid Canadian ID.

If you are submitting documents under different legal names (e.g., transcripts, verifications from other regulatory bodies, etc.), you must provide documentation to support the name change (e.g., marriage certificate or name change certificate). Documents from outside Canada must be certified and translated into either French or English.

Step 2: New Graduate Application Form

Complete the New Graduate application form from your NANB profile and pay the applicable fees.

Step 3: Criminal Record Check

Submit a current criminal record check through CSI Screening.

  • This can be done by visiting, and completing the Canadian Criminal Record Check. Please indicate “NANB” as the company. This must be sent directly from CSI to
  • For criminal record checks from other sources such as the local police or RCMP, NANB requires the original stamped copy be sent to us by mail at 165 Regent Street, Fredericton NB, E3B 7B4.
  • Criminal record checks are valid for six months from the date of issue.

Step 4: Jurisprudence Module

Complete the Jurisprudence module found on your NANB profile. You will need to complete the module before being eligible to receive a temporary registration permit (TRP) and work as a graduate nurse (GN).  Once you have completed the module, please e-mail to confirm.

Step 5: Nursing School Documents

Arrange for your nursing school to send the following documents directly to

  • Confirmation of Nursing Education ;
  • Official transcript which must be submitted to NANB by your school – is not required to write NCLEX or for registration as a graduate nurse, but will be required to complete registration as a registered nurse – Please request this as soon as it is available.

NOTE: Documents not received directly from your nursing school will not be accepted.

Step 6: Registration Verification

If you obtained your nursing education in Quebec, or, if you have applied for registration in any province or territory outside of New Brunswick, please request a Verification of Registration Form from the regulator in the province where you obtained your nursing education or applied for registration. This must be sent to directly by the regulator.

Step 7: Pay Registration Fees

Once your application is approved for registration, pay all applicable registration fees. Please see Fee Schedule.

  • NANB New Grad Application Fee: $57.50

Step 8: NCLEX-RN Exam

Once NANB has received confirmation that you have completed an approved nursing education program and you have submitted all required documents, you will be deemed eligible to write the registration examination (NCLEX-RN). NANB will send you an email confirming your eligibility to write the exam.

Please do not create a profile with Pearson VUE until you are instructed to do so by NANB. You will be granted eligibility to write the NCLEX-RN and instructed to create your Pearson VUE profile at that time.