The Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practice Committee Rules of Procedure apply to all proceedings before the Discipline Committee and the Fitness to Practice Committee of NANB and were approved by the Discipline and Fitness to Practice Committees as of January 8, 2024.
The Rules of Procedure provide guidance to parties to proceedings before the Discipline or Fitness to Practice Committees, including, with necessary modifications, to applications for reinstatement. The parties to those proceedings are NANB and the nurse(s) involved in the complaint. NANB prosecutes the allegations against the nurse(s) involved.
Hearings before the Discipline Committee are open to the public. Hearings before the Fitness to Practice Committee, which deal with the health of a nurse, are closed to the public. Hearings will generally be held in electronic format. The Rules of Procedure explain the requirements for documents (forms and service), pre-hearing conferences, disclosure and production, motions (including adjournments), findings of facts in prior matters, costs, etc.
The Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practice Committee Rules of Procedure do not apply to interim orders imposed under section 32 of the Nurses Act or to the Alternate Complaint Resolution Process (ACRP) set out in the NANB Bylaws.
If you have questions about the Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practice Committee Rules of Procedure, please contact the NANB Tribunals Office at
The following forms are referenced in the Rules of Procedure and are included as appendices to the Rules of Procedure. They are individually hyperlinked below for ease of reference.