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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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The Complaints Process

Complaints & Decisions

Complaints are considered first by the Complaints Committee, and if further consideration is necessary, they are referred to either the Discipline Committee or the Fitness to Practice Committee.

Complaints Committee

A panel of the Complaints Committee, consisting of two nurses and one public member, will review the complaint, the nurse’s response, and any documentation submitted by the parties. The Complaints Committee considers only written materials – neither the complainant nor the nurse(s) involved in the complaint attend the Complaints Committee meeting. Upon review of the documents, the Complaints Committee determines if the complaint should be dismissed, or if it warrants further consideration by either the Discipline Committee or the Fitness to Practice Committee. If the Complaints Committee finds it necessary to prevent a danger to the public by suspending the nurse’s registration pending completion of the Discipline Committee’s or Fitness to Practice Committee’s process, it may do so.

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee considers allegations of professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a nurse, incompetence and dishonesty.

Fitness to Practice Committee

The Fitness to Practice Committee considers allegations that a nurse has a medical, physical or mental health condition that renders the nurse unable to practise competently or safely.

Complaints referred to the Discipline Committee or the Fitness to Practice Committee may be considered by holding a hearing, or by agreement of the parties in writing under the Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal process. For additional information, please see: