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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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NANB Committees

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The Nurses Act mandates the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) to maintain a number of standing committees.

These committees allow members to be a part of a process that ensures the public is protected and that New Brunswickers receive safe, competent, compassionate and ethical nursing care.

  • Complaints Committee

    This Committee is the first step in the Professional Conduct Review process. Upon receipt of an official complaint, the Committee will consider written documentation and have a hearing via teleconference to determine if the complaint should be referred for a hearing before the Discipline or Review Committee. If the complaint is being referred to a hearing, the Complaints Committee also has the ability to suspend the member’s registration in the interim if they find that the nurse’s practice is a risk to public safety. The Committee can also dismiss a complaint if they find that there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations against the nurse member.

  • Discipline/Review Committee

    This Committee is the second step in the Professional Conduct Review process. Upon referral of a complaint from the Complaints Committee, the Discipline/Review Committee holds a hearing at NANB’s offices in Fredericton. After considering live testimony and supporting documentary evidence, the Committee must decide if the complaint has been established and if so, must make an order on what conditions, if any, should be imposed on the member’s registration in order for them to be able to practice safe, competent and ethical care in the interest of the public. The Review Committee hears only matters involving a nurse who is suffering from ailments or conditions impacting his/her ability to practice nursing and the Discipline Committee will hear all other matters relating to the conduct and competence of a nurse.

    Complaints and Discipline Process

  • Nursing Education Advisory Committee (NEAC)

    The purpose of the Nursing Education Advisory Committee (NEAC) is to advise the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) Board of Directors (BOD) regarding nursing education standards and program review and approval for entry-level nursing education programs. Entry-level nursing education programs include baccalaureate nursing programs, nurse practitioner programs, and registered nurse re-entry programs.

  • Nurse Practitioner Therapeutics Committee (NPTC)

    The NPTC is an advisory committee of the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) and reports to the Board of Directors. The mandate of the committee is to develop and review Schedules “A”, “B”, and “C” in the NANB NP Schedules for Ordering, identifying

    • the forms of energy;
    • the laboratory and other test; and
    • the drugs that a nurse practitioner may prescribe.

    The committee is composed of six members with equal representation from nursing, medicine and pharmacy. One NANB staff acts as the committee resource but is a non-voting member. Committee members serve a two-year term and can be reappointed for subsequent terms. The NPTC meets once annually and more often if required, meetings generally last two hours.