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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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Public Consultations

Get Involved

Have your say!

NANB strives to partner with interested parties and members of the public to support safe, competent and ethical nursing care for everyone in New Brunswick. To do this, we are requesting your feedback on newly developed NANB projects and resources.

Regardless of the reach, extent or complexity of the planned changes, NANB believes in the principles of:

  • Openness;
  • Transparency;
  • Accountability;
  • Fostering understanding, and;
  • Social and economic inclusiveness.

New projects and resources about nursing practice, proposed changes to practice standards, and guidelines, will be posted below. We invite you to read them and send us your comments.

NANB will consider all comments submitted when creating new materials that support nurses to be safe, competent and ethical in their practice.


Feedback on proposed changes to the Nursing Act

The Nursing Act: Responsive, Evolving, Transformative

NANB welcomes your feedback on proposed legislative changes to the Nursing Act that, if approved by NANB Board of Directors and the Government of New Brunswick, would modernize how the nursing profession is regulated in the province.  


At the October 2024 Board of Directors meeting, Board members were in favour of circulating, for public consultation, a draft version of the amended Nursing Act. These amendments align with NANB’s strategic priority to establish a revised Nursing Act articulating a single mandate as a regulatory body, that is agile and responsive to health system changes.

Documents available for consultation

  • How to give your feedback

    1. Review the Proposed Nursing Act at a Glance which describes the proposed changes to the Act and Bylaws.
    2. Complete the online survey below to provide your feedback. Please note: This survey will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. A “save and resume” option is available for those who cannot complete the survey in one sitting. NANB appreciates you taking your valuable time to provide feedback on this important and complex issue.

    The Board of Directors will review your feedback to determine if the proposed changes are in the public interest. If supported by the Board, the revised Act will be sent to the Department of Health for consideration.

  • Public Consultation Survey – Proposed Nursing Act Amendments


    Your feedback will guide the Board’s final decision when they consider approving the changes prior to sharing with the Government of New Brunswick for their review and consideration. Your responses are anonymous and confidential. NANB will only share aggregate results and anonymized verbatim quotes.

    Survey Instructions

    Please review the Proposed Nursing Act at a Glance before completing the survey. Please Note: This survey will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. A “save and resume” option is available for those who cannot complete the survey in one sitting. NANB appreciates you taking your valuable time to provide feedback on this important and complex issue.

  • Nursing Act Presentations

    Visit NANB’s events section for upcoming virtual presentations for registrants and the general public. Stay tuned for details on in-person engagement sessions coming this spring.

Have a comment or question about the new Nursing Act? Contact us at