In a decision dated May 30, 2024, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee found that Crystal Broad, registration number 023997, performed an IUD insertion procedure on a patient without obtaining the patient’s informed consent to the procedure, failed to document having obtained informed consent, and inappropriately disclosed a family member’s confidential medical information to the patient when such disclosure was not clinically necessary or appropriate. The Discipline Committee also found that Ms. Broad did not take ownership or accountability for her breakdown in communication with the patient and demonstrated no reflection or insight into her conduct.
The Discipline Committee reprimanded Ms. Broad for disregarding a patient’s right to privacy and for violating the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, NANB’s Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners, NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and NANB’s Nurse Practitioner Entry-Level Competencies. The Committee ordered that Ms. Broad’s registration be suspended for a period of two (2) months commencing on a date to be set by the Registrar, and ordered that conditions be imposed on Ms. Broad’s registration, including:
- Remedial education related to privacy and professional communications;
- A review of Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, NANB’s Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners, NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and NANB’s Nurse Practitioner Entry-Level Competencies and the NANB Fact Sheet: Consent; and
- Providing her employers with a copy of the Discipline Committee’s decision and order.
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