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Nurses Association of New Brunswick

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Discipline Decisions

NANB Statement: Registration Status of Donna Collins

  • Donna Collins (Registration # 023716)

    November 22, 2017

    NANB Statement Regarding the Registration Status of Donna Collins

    NANB frequently receives inquiries regarding the registration status of Donna Collins. Donna Collins was actively registered with NANB as a Registered Nurse from 2000–2012 and as a Nurse Practitioner from 2012–2013. Her registration with NANB expired on December 31, 2013, after which she was no longer authorized to practice nursing or use the titles Registered Nurse (RN) or Nurse Practitioner (NP).

    Following a disciplinary hearing on November 22, 2017, Ms. Collins was reprimanded by the Discipline Committee and issued a fine for improper use of actual and fictitious nursing designations such as RN, NP, “RN+” and “DNP”, while not being a registered member of NANB.  Donna Collins has not been registered with NANB since December 31, 2013. She is not authorized to practice nursing in New Brunswick, to hold herself out as a person authorized to practice nursing, or to use such designations.

    Discipline Committee Decision Summary

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Recent Decisions

  • André Boudreau (Registration # 022593)

    July 3, 2024   ▪   Agreement Not to Practice Nursing

    On July 3, 2024, a panel of the NANB Complaints Committee has referred the complaint against André Boudreau (Registration number 022593) to the NANB Discipline Committee and accepted Mr. Boudreau’s agreement not to practice nursing pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

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  • Sylvain Michaud (Registration # 027245)

    June 26, 2024   ▪   Consent Agreement

    In a decision dated June 26, 2024, a panel of the NANB Complaints Committee accepted a Consent Agreement between NANB and Sylvain Michaud (Registration number 027245).  Mr. Michaud admitted to failing to follow the steps required for a safe triage when he did not perform a pulmonary auscultation or take the vital signs of a patient who visited the emergency unit.  Mr. Michaud also admitted that he failed to document his interaction with the patient by failing to prepare a patient record or complete the required clinical documentation.

    Mr. Michaud has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on his practice, including:Remedial education related to the triage and acuity scale;

    1. Review of NANB’s Standards for Documentation and NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses;
    2. Performance evaluations from his employer(s);
    3. A caution for failing to follow the steps required for a safe triage and for failing to document the patient’s visit.

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  • Erica McCrea (Registration # 025014)

    June 12, 2024   ▪   Conditions Lifted

    Erica McCrea: The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 025014 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective June 12, 2024.

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  • Kailee Anne Price Mallery (Registration # 027923)

    June 3, 2024   ▪   Conditions Lifted

    Kailee Anne Price Mallery: The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 027923 have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective June 3, 2024.

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  • Crystal Broad (Registration # 023997)

    May 30, 2024   ▪   Conditions Imposed, Registration Suspended

    In a decision dated May 30, 2024, a panel of the NANB Discipline Committee found that Crystal Broadregistration number 023997, performed an IUD insertion procedure on a patient without obtaining the patient’s informed consent to the procedure, failed to document having obtained informed consent, and inappropriately disclosed a family member’s confidential medical information to the patient when such disclosure was not clinically necessary or appropriate. The Discipline Committee also found that Ms. Broad did not take ownership or accountability for her breakdown in communication with the patient and demonstrated no reflection or insight into her conduct.

    The Discipline Committee reprimanded Ms. Broad for disregarding a patient’s right to privacy and for violating the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, NANB’s Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners, NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and NANB’s Nurse Practitioner Entry-Level Competencies.  The Committee ordered that Ms. Broad’s registration be suspended for a period of two (2) months commencing on a date to be set by the Registrar, and ordered that conditions be imposed on Ms. Broad’s registration, including:

    1. Remedial education related to privacy and professional communications;
    2. A review of Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, NANB’s Standards for the Practice of Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners, NANB’s Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses, and NANB’s Nurse Practitioner Entry-Level Competencies and the NANB Fact Sheet: Consent; and
    3. Providing her employers with a copy of the Discipline Committee’s decision and order.

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  • Jasmine Murchison-Perley (Registration # 030211)

    April 19, 2024   ▪   Conditions Lifted

    The conditions imposed on the registration of registrant number 030211, Jasmine Murchison-Perley have been fulfilled and are hereby lifted effective April 19, 2024.

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  • Nicholas Dallaire (Registration # 026316)

    April 2, 2024   ▪   Registration Suspended

    On April 2, 2024, the NANB Complaints Committee suspended the registration of Nicholas Dallaire, registration number 026316, pending the outcome of proceedings before the NANB Discipline Committee.

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  • Erica McCrea (Registration # 025014)

    February 5, 2024   ▪   Conditions Imposed

    Conditions Imposed

    In a decision dated February 5, 2024, a panel of the Discipline Committee accepted an Alternate Complaint Resolution Proposal (“ACRP”) between NANB and Erica McCrea (Registration number 025014).  Ms. McCrea admitted that a more robust action plan should have been created to ensure resident safety following altercations between two residents at a nursing home.  Ms. McCrea admitted that it was unhelpful and insensitive of her to focus on ways to distract the injured resident when discussing the altercations with the resident’s family.

    Ms. McCrea has voluntarily agreed to the following conditions on her practice, including:

    1. Remedial education related to ethics in long term care, gentle persuasive approach, and Director of Nursing courses;
    2. Providing education sessions to nursing staff relating to adult protection, RCMP information, incident reporting, major incidents, seniors’ advocate, social development, resident behavior, and dementia training;
    3. Creating a resident safety plan or protocol.

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